The Fluo-Workshop is guided by Prof. Dr. Horst Grunz and Steffen Beyer. Both are specialists in Fluorescence and have vast experience in marine biology, informatics, video(photo)filming and torch construction (HiTec/HighPower torches since 2007). These conditions are the prerequisite for a successful direction of the course and individual support of every diver.
As our diving centre is situated at a nice house reef with natural bay and entry point, it is especially convenient for night dives because of its shallow entrance.
The participation in the course is not very strict. Every diver can decide for him/herself to participate in the daily night dives and/ or the multimedia presentations with introduction to the fluorescence technique and marine biology.
The presentations will take place in open air at one of the shades with a cool drink etc.
There is no need for special application.
The registration should be done by each participant on site at Red Sea Diving Safari.
Each participant can decided on their stay duration (7-14 days) within the period from 7-25 May 2015. During the whole period (8.-23. May 2015) night dives and multimedia presentations will be offered every day. A first impression about the magic world during night dives can be received by a YouTube movie.
Detailed informations can be received by Horst ( and also by phone: +49 201-53 13 22.