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Outer Range Excursion by speedboat
Elphinstone is a 375m long, off-shore reef with drop-offs descending to over 100m. Elphinstone is ranked...

Marsa Shagra House Reef

Inner Range Excursion by minibus
Marsa Shagra is one of the richest and most pristine house reefs in the south and has been declared a...

Marsa Abu Dabab

Inner Range Excursion by minibus
A short swim into the bay takes you to a large patch of sea grass, where the beautiful dugong, giant...

Sharm Shuni

Inner Range Excursion by minibus
"Sharm" means the V shape in the fringing reef, pits, canyons and small caves, shaped like the lips of...

Marsa Egla

Inner Range Excursion by minibus
This site is a large sandy bay offering easy access to the reef. The site is rich in marine life and...

Marsa Nakari House Reef

Inner Range Excursion by minibus
The house reef of Marsa Nakari offers a very interesting landscape inside the bay and beautiful coral...

Marsa Assalai

Inner Range Excursion by minibus
This natural bay makes a very easy and shallow dive. This site is a large sandy bay offering easy access...

Shaab Abu Dabab 1

Inner Range Excursion by speedboat
There are a variety of different dive profiles within this large site. This site features spectacular...

Sharm Abu Dabab

Inner Range Excursion by speedboat
"Sharm" means the V shape in the fringing reef pits, canyons, pools and caves system, looking like the...

Shaab Samadai

Full Day Excursion
This site is a local Marine Park Area which is under protection of the government. Permits are required...

Shaab Marsa Alam

Full Day Excursion
The first dive features stunning hard coral formations. It is common here to see yellow goatfish, black...

Long Canyon

Inner Range Excursion by speedboat
This dive is primarily a canyon dive (hence the name!) through the north reef table at Shaab Abu Dabab....

Om Halhala

Inner Range Excursion by speedboat
This site comprises a main reef with scattered pinnacles to the north side. As long as the current allows,...

Shaab Abu Dabab 2 & 3

Inner Range Excursion by speedboat
There are a variety of different dive profiles within this large site. This site features spectacular...

Shaab Abu Dabab 4

Inner Range Excursion by speedboat
This site consists of a long section of reef with scattered pinnacles to the south and south east. We...

Shaab Abu Dabab 5

Inner Range Excursion by speedboat
This long reef has two tunnels which cross its width at approximately 5m depth. Usually we start the...
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