Following the popularity of the public poll on Facebook to help decide March's winner, we decided to do the same again for April.
Our Photo Pro, Paul 'Duxy' Duxfield, has narrowed it down to two entries and we would like to involve you in the final decision by voting in our Facebook poll!
To help you decide, here is what Duxy had to say:
You all presented me with some really tricky choices for April, you really did!
There seemed to be a bit of a theme too, as I saw groups of twos and threes cropping up.
Sandor’s fabulous pictures of two dolphins just cruising below the surface, a lovely serene picture that would be perfect in a frame
and is also a very typical Red Sea Dive Safari scene.
Then there’s Marise’s menage a trois of yellow Butterfly Fish, an unusual grouping as they're more usually seen as a pair.
Marise seems to have a thing for groups as another of her entries is a pair of almost identically posed Blue Spotted Rays !
And then we’ve got the lovely shot of a diver in a mirrored pose of the Dugong right next to them in the water column by Willeke
So there was a lot of groups and pairs in evidence.
In the end though my two pictures that I’m going to hand over to you guys to make the final decision upon are Sandor’s beautiful dolphin pair:
and Marisa’s pair of Blue Spotted Rays, just because I felt that the symmetry between the two rays was uncanny, and I do like to see something a little different from the norm:
So there you have it, it’s over to you guys to make the final decision!