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There is always more to learn
Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT)
The next step up the professional ladder!
3-5 days
Certified at least 25 PADI Divers
The PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating sets you apart as a dive instructor who takes continuing education seriously and is committed to teaching a variety of courses. (Potential employers like this.) Being an MSDT signifies that you've got the experience and certifications to offer all the training a diver needs to become a Master Scuba Diver - the ultimate recreational diver rating.
Our MSDT Program includes 5 specialty instructor courses to enable you to achieve the rating of MSDT. This rating is the next step up the professional ladder and is a prerequisite for IDC Staff Instructor as well as for many TecRec Instructor ratings.
standard scuba equipment
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